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As of September 2022, the Child Justice Network has 25 active members, including the following founding members: Child Rights Coalition Cambodia (CRC-Cambodia), Children’s Rights International (CRI), Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC), OHCHR Cambodia, This Life Cambodia (TLC), and UNICEF Cambodia.


The network’s membership is open to the following entities:

  • Civil society organizations, UN agencies, and coalitions that work, plan to work, or have an interest in the field of child justice as specified under the Scope of Work in the network's Terms of Reference;

  • Academic/research institutions; and

  • Development partners.


In addition, there are two important partners that the network engages with:

  • Child and youth advisors: The Child and Youth-Led Networks (CYLNs), other child and youth-led organizations, and individual children and youth that have experience with or an interest in child justice are consulted as advisors for strategic-planning, designing of interventions, and implementation of initiatives.


  • Government partners: Frequent dialogues are held with government stakeholders to advance the work of the network, including through a Memorandum of Agreement with the relevant ministries for a smooth and sustainable collaboration.

Individual experts may be granted observer status according to their experience and expertise.


Please complete the registration form by clicking on the button below to join our mailing group, receive updates, attend our quarterly meetings, and participate in the network's initiatives and activities.

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© Child Justice Network in Cambodia

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