CJN Child Justice Series
The virtual Child Justice Series is organized by the Child Justice Network to promote member-to-member
capacity-building, covering diverse topics that can support the work of the members.
Child Justice Series #1
Social norms, root causes of child offending behavior, and the trauma-informed approach
by Zoe de Melo, Terre des Hommes Netherlands [English]
This session provides a theoretical back-ground about how social norms, gender norms, and hierarchical relationships play a role in child offending behavior and how it is perceived (i.e., victim blaming and criminalization). This is followed by an introduction to the trauma-informed care approach, which complements the better known victim-centered approach by bringing a more collective, systemic, and preventative approach to working with children.
Child Justice Series #2
Diversion and non-custodial measures
by Lim Vanna, UNICEF [Khmer]
This session provides an introduction to diversion and non-custodial measures available to children in conflict with the law in Cambodia based on the legal framework and governmental guidance, including the Juvenile Justice Law and the Diversion Guidelines. A better understanding of these concepts, options, and procedures is essential for network members who interact with justice actors handling cases involving children in conflict with the law.
Child Justice Series #3
Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment No. 24 on the child justice system
by Ha Ryong Jung (Michael), Legal Aid of Cambodia [English]
This session provides an overview of the CRC General Comment No. 24 (2019), including its development process, terminology and scope, thematic breakdown of recommendations, comparison with General Comment No. 10 (2007), and methods of utilizing the General Comment, which provides helpful guidance in the field of children’s rights in the child justice system, with a focus on children in conflict with the law.
Child Justice Series #4
Functions and procedures of children’s courts
by Jennifer Coate, Children’s Rights International, and Peter Power, Children’s Court of Victoria [English]
This session provides an introduction to the specialized functions and procedures of children’s courts that have jurisdiction over cases involving children in contact with the law in criminal and civil proceedings. This serves as important operational guidance that can contribute to the development of appropriate procedures for the new Family Courts in Cambodia, which will be established by the Ministry of Justice based on the Child Protection Law. This session was led by experienced judiciary of the children’s courts in Victoria, Australia.
Child Justice Series #5
Ensuring meaningful child participation and safeguarding
by Daneth, Child and Youth-Led Networks (supported by Child Rights Coalition Cambodia) [Khmer]
This session explains the principles, considerations, and approaches that enable meaningful participation for children of all backgrounds and situations, including those in contact with the law. It also introduces procedures to ensure safeguarding for children in this process. Given the network’s work for and with children, this session is essential for all members to better engage with and receive guidance from children in their work. This session was led by a child, and participants were required to read and agree to the Child and Youth Safeguarding Protocol to attend.
Child Justice Series #6
Prevention of and responses to deprivation of liberty for children
by Chhin Se, This Life Cambodia [Khmer]
This session introduces strategies designed and implemented by This Life Cambodia (TLC) in its programs for diversion, rehabilitation, and reintegration of children. It explains the barriers to diversion in Cambodia, along with promising diversion models that can help improve practices in the country. It also highlights important elements and approaches of TLC’s programs for children in prison, which will serve as helpful guidance for the programs and services that will be developed for the Youth Rehabilitation Center.
Child Justice Series #7
Promising diversion practices in Australia
by Jennifer Coate, Children’s Rights International; Paul Grant, Youth Parole Board; and Peter Power, Children’s Court of Victoria [English]
This session provides an overview of diversion and non-custodial measures mandated and available at various stages of the legal process for children in conflict with the law in Victoria, Australia. It highlights promising diversion practices that have yielded positive results, with an analysis of the enabling factors for their success. These insights can help replicate effective diversion programs or improve existing procedures in Cambodia. This session was led by experienced judiciary of the children’s courts in Victoria, Australia.
Child Justice Series #8 to #10 form a 3-part session on human rights treaties, mechanisms, and engagement, especially in relation to children’s rights and Cambodia.
Child Justice Series #8
Part 1: Human rights treaties and treaty bodies
by Ha Ryong Jung (Michael), Legal Aid of Cambodia [English]
This session provides an overview of the core human rights treaties, including an introduction to certain technicalities of treaties, brief overview of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and ratification status of Cambodia. It also provides an overview of the human rights treaty bodies, including its roles, resources by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and forthcoming review cycles.
Child Justice Series #9
Part 2: United Nations
by Ha Ryong Jung (Michael), Legal Aid of Cambodia [English]
This session provides an overview of the structure of the United Nations System, including the six principal organs and its subsidiaries, along with brief information about their roles and procedures. It also provides basic information about some of the key mechanisms relevant for children, youth, and human rights.
Child Justice Series #10
Part 3: Human Rights Council and
other mechanisms
by Ha Ryong Jung (Michael), Legal Aid of Cambodia [English]
This session provides an overview of the different procedures of the Human Rights Council, including its resolutions, special procedures, investigative bodies, complaint procedure, and the Universal Periodic Review. It also introduces OHCHR, the Voluntary National Review, and other international partnerships and initiatives worth considering to advance discussions on the rights of children.